Thursday, November 12, 2009

From the Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass

Figuritive p 563
"i expected every moment that my brains would be dashed out against the trees."

Word choice p 563
"my cart was upset and shattard."

Elaborate p 565
"his coming were like that in the might."

Formal p 565
"my natural elaticity was crushed, my inlet longuished the disposition to read despareted the cheerful spark that lingerd about my eye died."

Conversational p 569
"he spoke to me very kindly, made me drive the pigs from a lot near by and passed on towards the church."

Question 3 Gettysburg Address
*he sees U.S. as being brave
*people who fought are dedicated
*cant forget what they did
*freedom shall not perish from the earth
*we need to pick up on unfinished work

Coming of Age In Mississippi

*one of his good proffesors was John Salter.
*he was poor with no money
*they sat in at a dine in and set in the white sections and wanted to be served. but they wearnt.
*they beat them with brass nuckles. that night there was a rally about the whole day there appalude and talked about how this is just a beginning.

Ballad of Bermingham
Poem by Dudley Randall
* ballad - narrative poem that was orginally meant to be sung.

- poem was about a mother leting her daughter go to church she has explosion and finds her daughters shoe.

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